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Kynningarfundur vegna viðhaldsverkefna á öryggissvæðinu á Keflavíkurflugvelli

Verkfræðistofnun Bandaríska hersins í Evrópu, Naval Facilities Engineering Command EUROPE SW ASIA (NAVFAC EURAFSWA) í samvinnu við utanríkisráðuneytið og Landhelgisgæslu Íslands bjóða verktökum og hönnuðum til kynningarfundar vegna viðhaldsverkefna sem ráðgert er að framkvæma á öryggissvæðinu á Keflavíkurflugvelli.  Bent er á að engar skuldbindingar felast í þátttöku og er fjöldi þátttakenda takmarkaður við tvo (2) frá hverju fyrirtæki.  Kynningarfundurinn verður haldinn þriðjudaginn 13. ágúst í byggingu 179 á öryggissvæðinu á Keflavíkurflugvelli og hefst hann kl. 12:30.  Þátttökutilkynningar, fyrirtæki, nafn, kennitala og símanúmer skulu sendar á:  hns@lhg.isolafura@lhg.is og veronica.rindge-silv@navy.mil , merkt contractor workshop.  Þátttökutilkynningar verða að hafa borist 24 tímum áður en kynningarfundurinn hefst.

  The Naval Facilities Engineering Command EUROPE SW ASIA (NAVFAC EURAFSWA) in cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Iceland and the Icelandic Coast Guard will host contractor workshop on August 13th, 2019 from 12:30 PM GMT to 5:00 PM GMT, at the Security Zone at Keflavik Airport, Iceland (Icelandic Coast Guard), building 179 main meeting room. This workshop is designed to inform and connect leaders in the construction and architecture/engineering industries who seek to team with NAVFAC to provide the best infrastructure solutions to the Navy. This workshop forum provides information you need to potentially work with NAVFAC EURAFSWA.  Attendees will hear from NAVFAC leaders in the areas of contract administration, quality, safety, acquisition, engineering, design build, and unified facilities criteria compliance. A focus will be made on Fire Protection and Mechanical disciplines.  The forum will also provide interactive discussion with NAVFAC and industry.

 Participation in this workshop is voluntary and in no way obligates the Government to award any contracts, or pay any costs associated with such participation. The Point of Contact for information regarding the workshop is Ms. Veronica Rindge-Silvas, 687-2791, veronica.rindge-silv@navy.mil.  The point of contact for access to the Security Zone is the Icelandic Coast Guard Security, hns@lhg.is and olafura@lhg.is .  Participation requests must be submitted 24 hrs before the workshop. Please limit participation to two members of your company.