Fara í efni

Frestur til að senda inn yfirlýsingar vegna áhuga á mögulegu ráðgjafarhlutverki errunninn út. Expression of interest regarding potential advisory role

Deutsche BankDeutsche BankThe deadline to submit Expression of interest regarding potential advisory role nr. 20234 Equity capital markets advisors for ISFI has expired and have 17 parties expressed their interest. Icelandic State Financial Investments (ISFI) in cooperation with Rikiskaup will now review the statements.

Arctica Virðing

 Citi - Expression of Interest

 Deutsche Bank


 Equity capital markets advisors for ISFI Íslandsbanki hf

Goldman Sachs

Interest from Kvika

 J.P. Morgan



Nomura's Expression of Interest

 Pareto Sec


 UBS expression of interest