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Fræðslusetur Ríkiskaupa - Haustdagskráin

Við hvetjum alla sem koma að innkaupum að skoða framboðið á námskeiðum og fyrirlestrum. Tilvalið jafnt sem nýliðafræðsla og fyrir lengra komna sem vilja rifja upp og bæta við sína þekkingu. 

Námskeið Mörtu Andrecka 19. október 2016.

Ríkiskaup í samvinnu við Reykjavíkurborg bjóða upp á tvö námskeið frá þekktum erlendum sérfræðingi í opinberum innkaupum, annarsvegar um vistvæn innkaup og hins vegar um notkun rammasamninga.

Staðsetning: Reykjavíkurborg, fundarsalir á 7. hæð, Borgartúni, gegnt Ríkiskaupum.

Námskeiðin fara fram á ensku. Vinsamlegast tilkynnið þátttöku á hvort námskeið fyrir sig hér fyrir neðan.

19. október 2016 kl. 9.00 - 12.00Procurement beyond price: Sustainability and social considerations from an European perspectiveSkráning á fyrri hluta: skraning@rikiskaup.is19. október 2016 kl. 13.00 -  16.00Framework agreements as tools of efficiency in public procurement: Challenges and opportunitiesSkráning á seinni hluta: skraning@rikiskaup.is
Um námskeiðiðThe global value of public procurement spending is enormous. Just the OECD countries alone spend a total of €1000 billion per year. This represents on average 17% of their GDP per country. Within specific industry sectors, the sheer scale of public procurement spending and their supplier selection decisions, can literally create and shape a market and impact lives of citizens across the country at large. These days, public procurement is no longer just about buying the cheapest possible works/supplies or services. Instead, the new sustainable Procurement is understood as a process whereby organizations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a lifetime basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organization, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimizing damage to the environment. The sustainability agenda has been broadly discussed by the European Union in regards to promotion of green and socially conscious governmental contracting. However, due to deficiency in regulating legislation, administrative pressures and lack of training, sustainable procurement methodology, coupled with the lack of accountability on CSR policies, is not used as often as desired.

Um námskeiðið

The provision on framework agreements has been introduced into European Union Law in 2004. Since then framework agreements have gained popularity and importance on the European Union public tender market. Nevertheless, the use of frameworks poses significant legal and practical challenges, necessitating the clarification of the governing rules and the introduction of further guidelines. Unfortunately, clarifications were not fully provided in the new Directive 2014/24/EU. This workshop will present legal loopholes and uncertainties that occur during public procurement framework agreements as a result of current EU rules and national practices in Denmark and the United Kingdom. The presentation will highlight the need for clarification of the existing rules and need for the introduction of transparency to the subsequent call-off stage of framework agreements.

Key benefits As a result of attending this workshop participants will:
  • Gain an insight into how sustainable procurement considerations including CSR may be incorporated to the procurement process
  • Understand the challenges and limitations in social consideration incorporations in procurement
  • Recognise the critical importance of human rights protection in procurement
  • Key benefits As a result of attending this workshop participants will:

    • Gain an insight into framework agreements and the provisions regulating them.,
    • Understand the different types of frameworks and their potentials and challenges
    • Recognise the critical importance of appropriate design and management of frameworks
    Topics to be covered include:
  • Different faces of sustainable procurement and successful case studies
  • What type of social considerations are relevant for procurement and how to include them
  • What are the challenges, pitfalls and risks when considering CSR, social and human rights aspects in procurement
  • Relevance of Human Rights in procurement
  • Topics to be covered include:

    • EU procurement law and framework agreements
    • Centralisation/decentralisation and frameworks
    • Technology, innovation and frameworks
    • Policy deliveries and frameworks

    Dr Marta Andrecka is an Assistant Professor/PhD/Master of Laws at the Centre for Enterprise Liability, Faculty of Law, Copenhagen University as well as public procurement consultant.

    Dr Andrecka specialises in procurement practises, research and academia across the profession. Dr Andrecka has provided independent insight to key projects, amongst others, for the European Commission, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Swedish Purchasing Consortium, Public Procurement Analysis (London) and Rambøll Management Consulting (Copenhagen) and multiple universities. Dr. Andrecka is also the co-founder of Scientific Support for PPP in Poland. Before taking up her present position she conducted a PhD and fellowship at Aarhus University in Denmark and performed a research stay at Murdoch University, Western Australia. Marta undertakes teaching and research in public procurement law, Public-Private Partnerships and European Union Law. Throughout her projects she gained in-depth knowledge of the legal aspects of public procurement in regards to framework agreements, sustainable procurement, complex contracts as well as centralization of the procurement.

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    Námskeið Ríkiskaupa 29. og 30. september 2016.

    Ríkiskaup halda í annað sinn námskeið í samstarfi við Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands.

    Fyrri dagur námskeiðsins miðar að því að auka skilning og þekkingu þátttakenda á lagalegu umhverfi opinberra innkaupa. Markhópurinn fyrir þennan hluta  námskeiðsins eru: Forstöðumenn,  innkaupa-, fjármála- og rekstrarstjórar, sem og aðrir starfsmenn sem sjá um innkaup hjá stofnunum ríkisins og hjá sveitarfélögum.

    Síðari dagur námskeiðsins miðar að því að auka skilning og þekkingu þátttakenda á framkvæmd opinberra innkaupa, sem og að þátttakendur öðlist færni í að nýta færar innkaupaleiðir og stjórna innkaupum í framhaldinu. Markhópurinn fyrir síðari hluta námskeiðsins eru: Innkaupa-, rekstrar- og fjármálastjórar og aðrir starfsmenn sem sjá um innkaup hjá stofnunum ríkisins og hjá sveitarfélögum.  Miðað er við að þátttakendur hafi setið fyrri hluta námskeiðsins eða hafi haldgóða þekkingu á lagalegu umhverfi opinberra innkaupa.
    Nánar um skipulag námskeiðsins:

    Dagur 1 29. september kl. 13.00 - 16.30Dagur 2 30. september kl. 8.30 - 12.00
  • Opinber innkauparéttur – markmið og meginreglur:
  • Helstu réttarheimildir – lög, reglur og tilskipanir.
  • Stefna hins opinbera.
  • Siðareglur
  • Innkaupaleiðir; útboð, rammasamningar, samningskaup, hönnunarsamkeppnir og fl.:
  • Eftirlit og réttarúrræði bjóðenda.
  • Kærumál og dómar.
  • Opinber innkaup á Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu
    • Framkvæmd útboða og aðrar innkaupaleiðir:
    • Útboð innanlands
    • Útboð á EES
    • Rammasamningar
    • Örútboð
    • Verðfyrirspurnir
    • Ríkiskaup – Þjónusta við stofnanir:
    • Útboðsauglýsingar
    • Rammasamningsupplýsingar
    • Örútboð gegnum vefinn
    • Önnur þjónusta